For the months of June and July, AirSpace Gallery has transformed itself into The Brownfield Research Centre - an interactive and growing resource space for artists working with the subject of urban ecologies, in particular those which exist within the Brownfield site. Following an Open Call launched in early May, the Gallery has received all manner of responses - from delicate chromagraphs of soil samples and hand-spun textile flora, to imaginative manifestos and community-engaged projects.

Here, you can find physical submissions displayed alongside a library of resources relating to cities and urban ecologies. A number of submissions will be shown via the Gallery's online resources over the coming weeks. At the end of the exhibition period, a panel of experts will select and invite one artist from the Open Call to produce a proposal for a new piece of work for inclusion in a proposed Grand Exhibition in association and partnership with the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery in Spring 2020.
Over the next two weeks, each day we will be featuring one of the submitted works and its artist via this blog and across our social media platforms.
The commissioned Open Call artist will be invited to display their response alongside AirSpace Gallery's six Brownfield Residency practitioners in 2020. Rodrigo Arteaga, Edward Chell, Rebecca Chesney, Anna Francis, Lucy McLauchlan and Vicky Sharples are each spending a week investigating an area of interest from within the Research Centre. Previous works by these six artists are displayed in the main exhibition until 22nd July 2018. The Exhibition and Research Centre are free and open to the public, Wednesday to Saturday, 11am-5pm. Out of hour visits can be arranged (or ring our tuneful doorbell).
The Gallery looks forward to welcoming you over the coming weeks. The following posts will provide an insight into some of the works submitted into the Open Call.
The Brownfield Research Centre, 15th to 22nd July 2018.
Click here to find out more.
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