After months in the planning, consultation, developing, building and planting, we can announce the final line-up and running order for the Opening of Conjunction 12's place-making project, the Bird Yarden.
On May 4th at 11:00 am, the doors will open on a new community creative space for Stoke-on-Trent. The running order will be:
11:00 - Doors Open. The five commissioned Yarden artworks, by; Pete Smith, Kate Lynch, Shelley Gregory, Cristina Fraser and Su Hurrell will be unveiled.
12:00 - 14:00 - The Garden Design Doctor - Trentham Gardens Garden Supervisor, Clive Mollart will deliver a talk on the "7 Principles of Good Garden Design", and will also provide advice on your small urban garden problems. bring along photos, or descriptions of awkward or problem areas of your garden/yard areas, and Clive, who is designing and exhibiting a show garden at this year's Hampton Court Flower Show, will offer some invaluable advice.

Copies of Chris's book, will be available to buy from the Gallery on the day.
15:00 - 16:00 - Staffordshire Wildlife Trust's David Tideswell will demonstrate how to build the ideal birdbox and bird feeder. David, based in Uttoxeter, is an ornithologist, a well-known speaker and lecturer on birds and a regular pundit answering questions on Stuart George's programme on BBC Radio Stoke. During the demonstration he will offer invaluable tips on how to attract birds to your spaces and the best feed for particular birds, as well as taking questions.

David's self-published pamphlet on all thing birds, full of practical tips, facts and bird feed recipes will be available from the gallery on the day.
16:00 - 18:00 - Food and refreshments, workshops and activities.
Kate Lynch will run a Seed Bomb-making workshop, ideal for all the family.
There will be the opportunity to paint and decorate your own bird shape, which will then be weather-proofed and the collective flock will be attached to the Yarden wall to form a bespoke Yarden artwork.
18:00 - 19:00 - Speaking in Tongues by Sarah R. Key. 2011 Threadneedle Prize finalist, Sarah R. Key will lead a talk and tour of her exhibition, currently on show at AirSpace Gallery, giving an insight into the works on display and her working practices.
Throughout the day, ambient Yarden soundscapes will accompany the activities, provided by Echomap.
We're really excited that the project is so close to completion, and can't wait to see the space filled with people, enjoying what we've created and seeing the birds who are using the space in ever-increasing numbers.
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